5 Ways To Make Your Office More Eco-Friendly – Our Guide

Sustainability is no longer something that only the environmentally-conscious practice; it’s now become a responsibility. With the alarming rate with which the world is deteriorating, it is our duty to reduce our ecological footprint in all aspects of our life, whether it’s at home, work, or school. 

If you maintain an office, it will serve you better to introduce environmentally-friendly policies and practices. Even tiny adjustments can make a big difference in the long run. Here are some simple changes you can make to transform your office into a more sustainable environment: 

Go paperless

If you can help it, avoid the use of physical paper. While it’s understandable that some aspects of your operations require the use of paper, it’s important that you don’t skimp on recycling. Even better, use environmentally-friendly paper with large amounts of post-consumer recycled content. 

Of course, the best way is still to do things electronically and do away with using paper altogether. Try your hardest to digitize everything, from medical forms to regular patient mailers. 

Opt for eco-friendly materials.

Take stock of the items you buy on the regular and check if they have eco-friendly equivalents. There are tons of pens and pencils made of recycled materials that you can use, along with biodegradable soap, paper towels, and cloths for the communal bathroom and kitchen. When buying these items, it will be better to purchase them in bulk to save on shipping and packaging waste are reduced. 

Reduce energy use.

If you have access to energy-efficient equipment, it’s best to switch to using those, especially if they’re certified by the Energy Star program. If not, you can always reduce energy in other ways, including but not limited to turning down the thermostat, setting the central air a few degrees higher, turning off electronic equipment when not in use, and using motion sensors or timed lighting for unoccupied rooms.

Do an office overhaul.

To make a more drastic impact, you may opt to redesign your office space altogether to make it a “greener” space. You can replace all your existing equipment and substitute them with more sustainable furniture, energy-saving lighting, and eco-friendly air conditioning units. For the furniture, you may opt to just update your old ones instead of buying brand new. You can also redesign your office in a way that you invite as much natural light as possible, so you can do away with using less artificial light. 

Use indoor plants.

Add a natural charm and improve indoor air quality in the office by bringing in some indoor plants. Since plants produce more oxygen, the chemicals released into the air by office supplies are compensated for, resulting in a cleaner environment for you, your staff, and your patients. You can opt for plants like Peace Lilies, Spider Plants, English Ivies, and Chinese Evergreens, all of which are easy to maintain and have the capability to filter the air.

When it comes to making your office more environmentally friendly, every single change counts. If you’re looking for a medical office space in New York that can adhere to sustainability, look no further than Clinicube® . Get in touch with us today!

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